Fotos: Priska Ketterer
Case Study Slow Water (german)
Resultats 2021
The following project ideas were developed during the 2021 Forum and will be implemented in the further course.
«Slow water» for our cultural landscape (german)
Joint development and implementation of solutions with a focus on agriculture through the exchange of stakeholders in dealing with water.
Environment-centered design thinking
A toolbox for companies and teams eager to work with the Design Thinking method in terms of sustainable projects.
NextGen macht Gemeinden klimafit (KliMASter)
10 students and future climate managers support 10 municipalities and regions in climate protection and climate adaptation, with expert support from PLANVAL – duration pilot project: 1 year.
Water & Agriculture Platform
Joint development and implementation of solutions with a focus on agriculture based on the exchange of stakeholders in dealing with water.
Gamifying conflict solution in water management
A board game serves as an abstracted representation of the key challenges in water management and enables a new kind of knowledge exchange and dialogue, as well as the testing of management strategies and (climate change) scenarios.
Decarbonization of agriculture through electrification
Improving the economic efficiency of e-systems in agriculture.
Creating a high-resolution potential map
Creating the energy shift at local level by 2035 with cross-sector cooperation